Cities are rapidly getting on top of the agendas of various initiatives worldwide aimed at decreasing the cost and carbon footprint of energy products, services and activities. The demands and pressure on energy infrastructure and resources obliges city infrastructure and consumers to adapt intelligently to ensure efficient, affordable and sustainable solutions.
Developing intelligent energy solutions for resilient urban systems is a global and complex challenge which involves interdisciplinary fields. With this as theme of the conference, same as the previous serious symposiums, the CUE2022 aims to provide a premier international forum for all stakeholders including academia, industry and policy decision makers to present and share latest findings in all aspects across this domain, discussing how smart technologies and services can integrate the production and use of energy to support a more sustainable and resilient urban system.
CUE2022 is organized by the international journal, Applied Energy, Advances in Applied Energy, Applied Energy Innovation Institute (AEii) and Mälardalen University, Sweden. The event consists of three-day symposium and one-day lab/site tours for sharing the most recent progress of research RD&Ds in urban energy systems and one-day forum to engage all stakeholders for discussing how future urban energy systems can be implemented.
CUE2022 will be held on November 24-26, 2022 in Matsue, Japan. The conference will include keynotes and invited speeches, plenary sessions, oral presentations and poster sessions. Selected best papers from the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue jointly in Applied Energy ( (IF=9.746) and Advances in Applied Energy (
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